Climate Change: Why is it important?

Climate Change with Dr. Edelstein- environmental psychologist 
  • sustainability- remaining on earth within its limits
    • how we live our lives to allow future people to have the same opportunities
  • climate change- arises from the use of fuel 
  • Newburgh water has pfos-escaping from Stewart air force base, used to clean planes
    • people have to be tested for it
  • most chemicals petroleum based (fossil fuels)
  • Al Gore- climate change
    • studying climate in Hawaii and for correlation between climate change and particles in the air in college 
    •   Image result for al gore
    • teacher Roger Revel
  • Rex Tillerson- Secretary of State 
    • CEO of exon mobile
    • ran a campaign against climate change to prevent people from being against fossil fuels
  • an inconvenient truth 
    • based on Al Gore's teachings on climate change
  • Apollo Mission first time there were pictures of Earth
    • first time people actually could see where we live
    • water planet
    • spherical
    • hydro logical cycle happening
    • through exploration. we found out that the world was not flat, it is endless
    • ingrained in use that we have and endless earth with endless resources
      • but the picture of the earth from space shows us the earth is finite 
      • the form that the matter is in has been changed by human 
  • Law of conservation of matter- energy and matter cannot be destroyed
    • matter is neither created or destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another
    • matter has weight and takes up space
  • Entropy Law- the world moves from a state of order to disorder (eventually the end of the universe) 
    • from clean to messy
    • when you drive and the molecules of gas are burned 
      • the gas particles are broken down into random molecules (pollutants)
      • ENERGY=the ability to do work
  • the Earth as a system
    • an organization of some type
    • what is imputed into the system and outputted
      • open system
    • the waste is still in the environment but transformed 
    • closed systems do not import or export
  • the earth is an open and closed system
    • with matter it is closed
    • open system with energy because of the sun (primary productivity)
  • people run the world as if it were a closed system
    • using petroleum(matter)to run the earth
    • could run it as an open system with the use of renewable energy (solar power)
      • there is a finite amount of petroleum
      • when we use the sun it does not cause negative effects
      • order can only be created by work
  • Climate change need for the use of something different
    • Must we change?
      • The atmosphere- two layers
      • the Troposphere- where we live
        • when we pollute the troposphere it decreases the life quality of everything on earth
      • the stratosphere
        • the layer susceptible to climate change
        • ozone O3 if we breathe this it hurts our lungs
          • factories can produce this ozone
          • it can cause damage to children 
        • Ozone collects at the poles and thins the stratosphere allowing more UV rays to come in
          • can cause skin cancer from the increased ozone
      • Montreal protocol -the world agreed to use less chlorofluorocarbons to decrease the amount of ozone 
        • closing the hole in the Stratosphere
      • As the amount of co2 increases in the atmosphere the less of the sun rays can bounce  back into space causing it to heat up
      • lighter colors reflect more heat
        • the lighter color parts of the earth reflect more heat
        • the poles because of the snow
        • albedo-reflective 
          • how much heat is trying to escape and how much is being absorbed
          • the Earth gains heat as it absorbent rays
          • positive feedback loop
            • an acceleration of an existing trend
            • the ice is melting = less albedo
            • exposing ocean and plants
            • removing of the ice caps
            • less ice in the winter
            • less albedo =heats up the earth
            • less ice
          • continues until eventuall,y it will not be able to reverse itself
        • thickening of the blanket of gases and less albedo at the same time
      • burning forests, coal mining, industrial agriculture, air transport all contribute to green house gasses, fertilization, thinning of permafrost
        • cows produce ruminant farts- methane
        • as the Arctic thaws, the methane gas is released into the atmosphere
      • Anomaly- not the norm
        • there have been years when it has been colder than normal
        • recently the curve has been going up for heat exponentially 
          • rapid increase, doubling over time
        • world population also has exponential growth
      • the combustion of fossil fuels has also increased exponentially
        • it is almost identical to the curve of increasing temperature
        • 2016 was the hottest year on record 
        • heat events are occurring more and more around the world where crops are dying, people over heating, dangerous
        • the oceans are increasing heat dramatically as well
          • coral reefs are being destroyed 
          • the main sources of life in the oceans and they are becoming deserts
          • they are producing increasing, more disastrous, frequent, deadly storms
        • the water cycle
          • the intensifying heat in the ocean creates more rain 
          • rain bombs drop unbelievable amounts of water in a short time
          • massive hurricanes- Harvey
            • there were no zoning laws to keep wet lands, keep people from building too low
            • low resilience- low roads still flooded
          • they can completely wipe out an area and it may never come back
          • everything in the area becomes contaminated
          • black mold becomes a toxic presence when homes get wet 
        • resilience
        • the same heat that evaporates the oceans, evaporates the water from the earth 
          • creating major droughts
          • more fires that continually get worse (California, Russia, Australia)
          • worldwide weather catastrophes, extreme temperatures, droughts, fires, all have exponential growth
          • since 1997 it has almost increased by 1/3
        • declining ice masses 
          • decrease in albedo
          • water poured into the ocean, increasing water levels
            • coastal cities flooding
            • Miami is at the most risk for sea level rise
        • Al Gore- predicts water flooding NYC with water level rising- massive damage
        • disease spreads more rapidly, increase refugees, wars, tragedies 
    • Worldwide we have made strides towards preventing this
      • Texas wind-powered state
      • green economy
      • using open system more than fossil fuels
