Group Two Inquiry: What could be in the bag?

Half Way There!
Group Two's inquiry was very creative. I liked their use of the mystery bags to help the students explore the properties of the planets. It was very impressive that they included hot packs and ice packs in their bags because it showed how far they were willing to go to create an effective lesson. The lesson was introduced by a Voki who told the class he was lost in the Galaxy because he couldn't tell which planet was which. Again, I really like the use of Voki and think it is a very engaging tool. However, I think Voki is more effective when a person's voice is recorded because the cadence of speech is a bit weird when the computer reads. I think if one of their group members had recorded their voice, it would have made it a bit more engaging, however, the students still seemed very engaged the way it was.
Image result for mystery bagI think Group Two's modeling was very good. They went through each step of the Scientific Method before having the students begin on their mystery bags. Though the demonstration was very thorough, it could have been shortened a bit to save time. Then again, some groups did experience downtime during the last few steps in stating what they believed was in the bag. To prevent the students from just sitting waiting, the one teacher reviewed the hand movements to help the students remember the order of the inner plants. This was some quick thinking on her part and I like how she was able to make the best out of the situation.

I think the sharing of results needed to be a more shared experience. The students were able to come up to share what they had found with the rest of the class, but I felt it was a bit rushed and not all of the students were listening to their peers. Group Two ended on a high note with their independent practice. Their task must have been challenging enough to get the students thinking and continue to work, but straightforward enough that they did not need help. This was the first time that I had seen that classroom silent. I think Group Two deserves to be commended for their efforts. "Fireworks"
