
Showing posts from December, 2017

Science Methods comes to a Close!

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened! After three long months, Science Methods has come to a close. The semester had it's ups and downs as everything in life does, but I am stronger because of it. I had some great memories throughout the semester. I have made many great friends this semester because of our Science Methods class. Whether I had a question or someone else had a question, someone always knew the answer and were ready and willing to help because they knew the favor would be returned down the road. I feel much more confident about teaching in front of a whole class now after taking this class. I was able to see what my group, as well as other groups, did well and what activities really contributed to the students learning. The students were all excited when they were introduced to the topic by Astronaut Annie from group 3. I thought that idea was really ingenious and so clever to use texts and tweets t

What is physical science and why does it Matter?

What is physical science and why does it Matter? Recently, I had read chapters 16, 17, and 18 in our Learning to Teach Science: a discovery approach, by     Donald DeRosa and Joesph Abruscato. These chapters went into detail about the world of physical science. Physical science covers the areas of chemistry, physics, and engineering. Chemistry explores the would of chemical reactions, atoms, and molecules. Physics explores the laws of motion, the forces of matter, and the behavior of energy. Engineering uses the theories and knowledge of both chemistry and physics to invent new things to improve people’s lives. At the basis of all physical sciences is matter. Matter makes up everything in the universe and it can never be created or destroyed, only change forms.  Matter can be found in three states, solid, liquid, or gas. All three forms matter have volume and density. Liquids and solids have a defined volume and liquids take the volume of the container it is in. All forms of matter

Get a Life? I already have one and here's why!

 Biology has always been one of my favorite science classes! I always loved learning about the cells and how our bodies keep us alive. Think about what makes you alive, you eat, you sleep, you breathe. All living things around you carry out the same functions. The full requirements of all living thing include being made of cells, using energy that is self-produced or acquired, ridding themselves of waste, being able to reproduce, having inherent traits from the parents, responding to stimuli, maintaining an internal balance, and possessing the ability to adapt to the environment. Every living thing is made up of cells, extremely small gelatinous specs that are living themselves. Cells are made up of organelles that help them to function. There are the mitochondria which are the powerhouses of the cell which create the energy the cell needs to function. Then you have the nucleus that is the brain of the cell, it controls all other organelles and contains the organism's DNA. Then th