
Showing posts from August, 2017

The First Day!

Preparing to Educate and Inspire the Future! Tuesday was my very first day of Science Methods. I had a little bit of an overwhelmed feeling, but I expected that and it wasn't so bad. Once we began doing activities, I settled in a bit more. One of the first things we talked about on that day was the need to shift the classroom into the digital age. Today, children have IPads, computers, televisions, and smartphones that connect them to the world. For modern children, it is natural to use technology as they have never lived in a world without it. So, it is only logical to integrate technology into the classroom as much as possible. Doing so will play off of the children's strengths and comfort to better their overall school experiences. I am excited to incorporate technology into my lessons. I have found in the past that the children simply have more fun when they are able to interact with programs like Khoot and other online tools.  In my last methods class, Language Arts,